Folkbuilder Sara Ault
Greetings. I am an AFA Folkbuilder. I am also a grandmother, mother, and sister. I came home to the AFA after a fateful day in Minnesota, when I was welcomed into the house of Folkbuilder Jason Gallagher for a gathering with Northern Blood Kindred. Meeting the members of that kindred was truly like coming home. I had already been intrigued by photos from Odinshof that showed the multigeneration of families gathered to worship the old gods. I stepped up in February of 2022 to be a Folkbuilder. Currently, I am on a mission to show our ladies that they have an important role within the AFA and to bring more home. The future is brighter with a balance of both sexes working together. If you are a significant other of a member who hasn’t come home yet, contact me and I can show you that you also have a place here. I am part of the Ladies Mysteries Podcast team. This is a monthly podcast that encourages the ladies of the AFA to dive deeper into their personal relationships with our Gods and Ancestors. I also help Witan Brandy Fassett with the Ladies' Book Study. Currently, we are working on Revolt Against the Modern World. I support Gythia Sheila McNallen with a special group on MeWe for AFA members over the age of 50 that was created to help build strong bonds between members in that age group. I am a proud member of the Asatru Academy Staff, serving as secretary under Dean Gothi Rob Stamm. We are in the middle of our second year now, with grades K-3rd. This is a wonderful realization of a dream for many of us and moving into the next school year we will have even more grades for AFA parents who want to homeschool their children. I am on the Runestone Newsletter staff, take care of 4 of the many AFA social media pages, and help maintain the Baldrshof District Website.
I truly believe that every member of the AFA is an important part of this big family. If you have any questions or needs, or just someone to listen, please reach out. I’m here and happy that you are too.