Folkbuilder Shane Duffy and Jaclynn Duffy
Hi there! We're Shane and Jaclynn Duffy. We currently reside on the southside of Chicago, IL. We found the AFA with a chance meeting with Elder McNallen. Because of Shane's love of the Gods and our luck we joined in 2019. With that, we found exactly what had been missing in life. In 2021, we were Handfasted at Baldrshof in a beautiful ceremony in front of our Gods and Folk. We are currently expecting our third child. We're a dynamic duo, very active with our kindred, Hrafnagud, and we do everything together as a team. We love our folk and are so happy to be able to help bring them home.
Shane is currently working on our Brochure project gathering as much information on the Gods, the virtues, and so much more, from our folk, so we can create easy literature for those who are looking to know more.
I, Jaclynn, am apart of our Virtue Recovery Program. As of June 11, 2022, I decided that it was time for a change and began my journey of sobriety. Soon after I started attending meetings, and I began running a Virtue Recovery meeting on Saturday mornings. Going over one of the Nine Noble Virtues each week. Sobriety is a beautiful thing, and I hope I can inspire others wanting a change to do so and welcome them with open arms and understanding.