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Writer's pictureSara Ault

Runic Thoughts

Life is meant to be a ritual. Not a grandiose show with snakes and gibberish, but an exchange with the Divine that rebuilds our inner temples. We saw that we indeed had a home, and we started walking toward it. Day by day we build that inner sacred space. We are becoming the people that we once were, openly seeking a relationship with OUR Gods. When that cycle built itself up enough, we turned that outwards. We sought physical temples and sacred spaces. In front of the world, we praised the Gods of our ancestors, and revived our Folksoul. Our ritual continues, and we are coming home.

It seems that there is always something occurring that we don't like. Be it on a micro or larger level, there's always going to be something that riles the masses. The easy thing to do is to allow the indignation around you to seep in and carry you off in a dust cloud of temporary feelings. The noble thing to do, however is to stand where you are. Stay solid and upright. This is what our people need. Become the iron, as opposed to the dust.

This is not a solo venture. For us to fully realize who we are, we need to get out of our own space, and enter the space of the Folk. The Folk are bigger than just one, we are stronger, and we rise faster together.

Being among the Folk makes us better. It breaks us out of our own headspace, and shows us how our world can be. Whenever we gather to raise a horn and exchange gifts with our Gods, we are where we need to be. There is no substitute for that.

What's in your blood?

Our blood contains the building blocks of who we are and the people that came before us. It contains our history, the rich tapestry of your personal heritage. It is not something to merely throw away in a fit of blackpilled pique. Take these gifts, and use them to build something more valuable than anything else. With this blood we build our future.

A healthy spine supports the entire physical body. If any portion of that series of bones falls into disrepair, your overall well-being will suffer. The same can be said for your spiritual spine. Maintain your resilience and strength emotionally and spiritually as you would the physical. Standing up straight is more than a physical ability. It is vital to maintain that mental and spiritual uprightness when faced with challenges.

Gyðja Anna Plourde


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