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Writer's pictureSara Ault

Think Bigger Than Yourself

Declaration of Purpose #1

The practice, promotion, development, and dissemination of the religion of Ásatrú

Ásatrú is an ancestral religion, one passed down to us from our forebears and thus tailored to our unique makeup. Our Æsir and our religion have shaped our spirit, individually and as a whole. By our WILL, we not only survive, but thrive, and continue our upward evolution in the direction of the Infinite. Modern Ásatrú is a reconstructed version of our ancestral practice, adapted to the context of our lives today, but our practice is filled with the spirit of our gods and our ancestors. Today’s challenges differ from those that confronted our ancestors but still require the same code of honor and nobility that molded our forebears’ souls. The Asatru Folk Assembly practices Ásatrú in the here-and-now, that our People may realize their unique spiritual and cultural legacy.

This declaration brings to mind a purposeful morning rune pull I had a while back. For five straight days, I pulled the rune, Othala. While meditating on it, the same thing kept coming to mind. Our culture and heritage cannot be sold. Do we know what riches we own that are a part of us? As future ancestors, is our life reflective of what we want future generations to know us for and emulate? Courage, truth, honor, fidelity, hospitality, discipline, industriousness, self-reliance, and perseverance. Strive for living a life that not only honors your ancestors but imparts wisdom to your descendants. Moving ever forward. We are part of a very long line of noble people. As we live Ásatrú, the connection strengthens. Ásatrú is unique to us as we live it today. By the example we are showing to the world and more importantly to the next generation of our Folk that connection will not be broken.

Ásatrú does not mean belief in the Æsir. It means Troth with the Æsir. It means loyalty to the Æsir. Ásatrú isn't about what you think or what you believe. It's about how those thoughts and beliefs affect your actions. Actually DOING is so much harder than thinking. This is what the AFA does and continues to do for our Folk. As we share our experiences for the Folk to see, they see the relationship the AFA has built with the Æsir and how the Æsir have blessed the AFA because of it. The AFA is truly Ásatrú.

Hail the Æsir!

Hail the Ancestors!

Hail the Folk!

Folkbuilder Sara Ault

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