Ásatrú Academy: Order vs. Chaos

Greetings parents and students. If the heading of this article didn't tip you off, I want to talk about order vs chaos.
We have decided that the upcoming school year 2024/2025, our theme will be order vs chaos. What does this mean for our younger students? Well, while our older students can certainly dive into the metaphysical and cosmic aspects of this concept, our younger students can and will learn to discern the obvious benefits of an ordered life and surroundings, vs a chaotic and unordered life. For example: most of the cartoons and children's programs that our kids watch have a clear theme of the hero fighting a villain. Often this takes form of the villain representing chaos, a rebellion against rules and society. The hero puts things in order. Children thrive on routine and tend to not do as well in a disordered lifestyle, and this is a perfect opportunity to teach them, in terms they can understand, about the very large Aryan principle of order vs chaos. Even seemingly small things, like waiting in line, rather than a disordered push to the front with no clear line. This can be used as a teaching moment.
So, our theme for the upcoming academic year will be order vs chaos. How will you recognize this is in everyday life? How can we as students and responsible young Aryan boys and girls showcase order and put it to work in our lives? All this will be explored this upcoming year!
We look forward to seeing you all this fall. As a reminder, we will be enrolling K-6th over the course of this summer, to start the school year in September.

Goði Rob Stamm
Dean of the Ásatrú Academy